Tuesday, December 20, 2011

10 Things I Can't Do

So, I realize this has nothing to do with the list project - except it does reflect my love of lists - but that said I've been thinking about a variety of things that I imagine most adults/people can do that, quirkely enough, I cannot. I wanted to write these down, since they've been jangling around in my head.
  1. Whistle
  2. Tie my shoelaces the regular way
  3. Blow a bubble with gum
  4. Juggle
  5. Drive a car
  6. Make coffee
  7. Dance
  8. Braid my hair
  9. Unlock most doors without struggle
  10. Light a match (this may be more fear based than anything)
Now, clearly the bubble blowing impacts my daily life the most. The car one tends to surprise people the most, but that said, no one really wants me to drive. Trust me on that one. I would be an awful driver.

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