Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The $64,000 Question

I'm conflicted about this post, since the subject doesn't interest me much. That said, I get asked about this a lot.

So, how do I do it (i.e. read so many books at the rate I do)?

I do want to highlight again that I don't really like this question. It simply doesn't interest me, and I think it makes this project sound more impressive than I think it is. Given that caveat, here are some of the factors:
  1. I make some jokes here about my attention span and ability to focus, and while I do have a short attention span and sometimes have the focus of a hyperactive rabbit, I'm actually pretty able to read in stolen moments. If you can't focus on a book on a 15min bus ride or while killing time before a dance class on an elliptical machine, this project would be harder for you. I'm pretty good at this.
  2. Reading is sort of like working out, actually, in that the more you do, the better shape you are in to do more. I'm in the best reading shape I've been in my entire life. I read more quickly now, I'm more able to focus and digest complex novels, etc.
  3. Different types of reading material take different muscles, I guess; I've only really built my literary fiction muscles. This isn't great for me as an overall reader, but for this project it's excellent. That said, if I needed to jump back into reading copious amounts of dense academic theory, that would take some re-training.
  4.  Reading has always been part of my life; we are a family of serious readers, so this hasn't been a huge adjustment to me.
  5. Along those lines, I enjoy this project.
Ultimately, I think that last point is the most important. I do this for fun.

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