I was looking at the list the other day, and all of a sudden it all felt very overwhelming. That's never really happened before, so on the one hand it's a bit strange. On the other hand, I suppose that it's a fairly understandable emotion in some ways. Yes, I've read over 430 books on the list, but I still have nearly 570 to go, and that, my friend, is a lot of books.
Some may just be that life generally feels a bit overwhelming at the moment. It's been an intense and exhausting week, certainly. Still, I'm intrigued that this feeling would come now, so soon after meeting my goal for the year and so close to the halfway point.
Failing to achieve something doesn't really hurt when it never seemed possible. It's the narrow misses, the almosts, the things that felt sure, that sting. I'm not sure if it's that the more achievable the goal of reading all these books feels the more I see not reading them all as a failure of some sort that is overwhelming, but considering, I think it's a piece.
Of course, I know that I'd never actually quit. I'm having far too much fun.
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