There are 1001 books on the list. That's about 348,629 pages or 104,588,700words (~300 words a page); that should take about 582 hours to read (rate calculated using this site's estimations). So far I have read 624 books on the list (is that a lot? it feels like it should be more? Lord, I'll never be done with this project). So that means ~363 hours of reading. Right? Someone check my math. Also, does that gut check for you? I have no idea.
Let's assume it's correct. Here are some other things I could have been doing during that time:
- 181.5 flying trapeze classes
- 363 static trapeze classes
- 9 Rosetta Stone language levels
- 484 spin classes
- 24 scarves knitted
- 871 Focus T25 workouts
- 2.5 drives around the world (if there was a road that went around the earth's diameter and I drove continuously at 55mph)
- 653,400 pushups
- 77.5 marathons (if I'm the median woman)
- An indeterminate non-zero number of Suzuki method violin books completed (I could not find a helpful estimate of time anywhere, but man are parents worried that their 3 and 4 year olds aren't progressing quickly enough).
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